Thank You To Our Donors!
Without the help of generous donors in our community this never would have been possible!
We are thrilled to announce that the KW Region is now home to a top of the line dental facility specially designed for individuals living with developmental disabilities and/or who are Medically Fragile/Technology Dependent (MFTD). And it is conveniently located at our easy to access Kingsway Drive campus!
“My Dental Clinic Specialized Dental Services” provides visual stimulation, comforting sounds, and specialized staff who are passionate about providing important oral care that has been inaccessible to so many for so long.
We cannot express how grateful we are for the generosity of Green Shield Canada, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada and the Raymond Dietrich Memorial BBQ – their contributions to this dental clinic will have positive impacts in countless lives.
If this sounds like the kind of service you or a loved one have been in need of – keep your eyes on our social media accounts! (Facebook and LinkedIn)
We will be announcing public appointment availability very soon.

Cheque presentation from Raymond Dietrich Memorial BBQ fundraiser

Donor Recognition Plaques

Staff and Donors. L-R: Heather, Ann Marie, Katie, Dan, Sherry, Kevin, Denis, Suzanne, Kendra, Ben