Celebrating 65 Years!

Join us in remembering and celebrating Sunbeam’s past. See how it all started with our Vos-family tribute video. Hear from families on how Sunbeam has helped change their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

We are proud to serve our community. Sunbeam’s future is looking brighter than ever! 

Our Video Series

Sunbeam Staff and Persons Served

Here we sit down with current/former staff and persons served to learn about how the Sunbeam community has impacted their lives. 

Producing these videos for our 65th Anniversary was such a great experience…to remember our past, appreciate our present, and look forward to our future!

We hope you enjoy this third video in our series – as much as we did producing them.

Putting our Families First

We’re thrilled to launch our second video in our series of three. We are grateful and humbled by the stories our families share with us – and we’re glad to share them with our community. 

Here we interview three families as part of our 65th Anniversary Celebrations. Learn about each how their time with Sunbeam has impacted their family and has had a positive influence in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Proud History in the Community

2021 marks the 65th anniversary of Sunbeam. To celebrate this milestone and pay tribute to our founders, Pieter and Johanna Vos, we’ve produced this video, “The History of Sunbeam – The Vos Founders“, that remembers their impressive journey.

The Vos’ spent their lives dedicated to improving their community. We honour their compassion and continue their dedication to serve others.