The Sunbeam Community

The Sunbeam Community

At Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services, we are always stronger when we work together towards a common goal of enriching and enhancing the lives of people we serve.

The Sunbeam Community delivers much-needed programs and services to individuals, families and other service agencies across our three operating divisions.

Photo of Persons Served

SDRC assists individuals with developmental disabilities and their caregivers in evaluating needs and connecting with community services and supports.


SDRC provides access to a wide range of professional and support services for both children and adults with developmental disabilities in Waterloo Region. SDRC hosts the Coordinated Service Planning Program and is also a member of the Waterloo Region Special Needs Strategy Planning Table.

Services include information and intake functions, clinical and support services, access to residential and community participation supports and service resolution. In partnership with Kerry’s Place, SDRC offers Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children and youth. We also offer behaviour consultation and social skills development both individual and group.

SDRC is the lead agency in supporting young adults (Transitional Aged Youth) transitioning out of child welfare for Waterloo, Wellington, Dufferin, Halton & Peel, and oversees the quality and compliance of service provision of placements at Outside Paid Resources (OPR’s) .


We provide support to people of all ages who have a developmental disability. The people we support have a wide variety of strengths and needs, including medical, behavioural, sensory, and other challenges.

read more at Community Living Services

Sunbeam Community Living Services offers support to people with a variety of abilities and needs in our residential group homes, respite programs, day program Passport services, and other therapeutic services and amenities.

Operating 17 residential group homes, 2 respite locations and a thriving day program, we provide a broad range of residential, respite and day program options to meet the unique needs of our persons-served in the community.

Sunbeam’s Passport Program, Seating Clinic, and Dental Clinic offer vital services tailored to the unique needs of our clients. 

Sunbeam’s community pool and therapeutic Snoezelen spa are highly sought after amenities in our community.

Photo of Persons Served

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) in Ontario. There are 9 DSO agencies located across the province; serving different counties and regions.

read more at DSO Central West Region

Sunbeam is the host agency for Developmental Services Ontario Central West Region.  

Applications to the DSO can be made at age 16 however referrals for services/supports are not completed until age 18. 

The DSO provides services in the areas of intake, eligibility, assessment, resource matching and service navigation.

Referrals to services include specialized supportshousing supports, community participation supports, caregiver respite and referral to the Passport program.