On Our Way to Allyship

At Sunbeam we respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are heard and valued. We acknowledge and celebrate our diversity. We have taken some intentional steps towards our core value of inclusion by creating healthy, thriving and inclusive organizational culture, where everyone feels included and valued. We encourage allyship and try to weave it in our organization’s social fabric.
We value and celebrate indigenous members of Sunbeam’s Community and avail all opportunities to practise allyship. Another such effort is our Land Acknowledgement and our commitment and response to Calls-to-Action identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Another such conscious effort was made on October 18, when several members of Sunbeam’s Management and Board of Directors attended a half day onsite Indigenous land-based healing and education opportunities at Crow Shield Lodge in New Hamburg. It was a great experience where our Sr. Management learnt about the FNMI community and spent several hours experiencing Indigenous concepts of Reconnection with Mother Nature and Reconciliation.
We look forward to more opportunity like this!
Here are few glimpses from the day and some useful links:
Crow Shield Lodge website –> https://www.crowshieldlodge.com/
Sunbeams Diversity, Inclusion, Equity statement –> https://sunbeamcommunity.ca/diversity-inclusion-equity/