Client Spotlight – June


The Sunbeam Community wanted to share the wonderful story of Robert, who was able to find his home through the services and resources of one of Sunbeam’s many partner agencies.

You can read Robert’s story below!

Robert lived for many years in a rooming house environment shared with many other individuals without the support he needed to succeed. Robert had been on the waitlist for group living for many years.

The urgency of Robert’s situation was prioritized, and an opportunity for placement at Elmira District Community Living was identified. The Service Coordinator and Robert drove to Elmira to view the home, and the Service Coordinator referred to this meeting as “one of the most memorable moments of my 30-year career”.

As they drove to home, Robert talked about what life might look like if he moved. They arrived at the home, received a tour, and Robert was shown the bedroom, which would be his, with his own television. He was very pleased about this and remarked, “I am going to live like a king here.” He was also happy to know there were daily activities in which he could join, including a local church which was of interest to him. Robert had found his home.

Welcome home Robert; Congratulations!

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