
Your donations make a big difference

Your generous donations help to support the important work of the Sunbeam Community

Sunbeam’s broad range of programs, services, therapeutic supports and amenities enrich the lives of the individuals we are privileged to serve. From our residential group homes, days program, respite services and summer camps, to our seating clinic, therapy pool and constantly developing innovations to keep pace with the complex and changing needs of our persons served, Sunbeam relies on the kind financial support of our donors and supporters to ensure the highest quality of programs, services, technology, equipment and capital improvements.

Hospital Care Program

Hospital Care Program

Hospital Care Program allows us to provide staff accompaniment. Each year, we provide an average of 1,200 hours of staff support to support individuals’ unique needs. The benefits of this program to the people supported are far-reaching. We not only support their emotional needs during this time of trauma and unease in an unfamiliar environment but also ensure the provision of the best care possible.

Make a Donation to Sunbeam’s Hospital Care Program


Overnight Respite

Overnight Respite

Caregivers rely on Sunbeams Overnight Respite to restore balance to their lives and to focus on other family members and their own self-care. Respite services have a tremendous positive impact to the families that depend on them and we feel that everyone who needs respite services, should have access to them. With your donations, you can give families the gift of “Me Time” which offers caregivers opportunities to recharge and continue providing care as long as possible without the need for additional support.


Make a Donation to our Overnight Respite

Snoezelen Room

Snoezelen Room Transformation

A Snoezelen Room is a multi-sensory environment that promotes comfort and relaxation, helping to reduce agitation and anxiety while also engaging and delighting users by stimulating visual, audio and tactile (sight, sound and feel) responses and encouraging verbal and non-verbal communication.





Make a Donation to our Snoezelen Transformation

Aerial View of Sunbeam's main office

General Donations

Your gift to our general fund allows Sunbeam to direct your gift wherever the need is currently the greatest.


Make a General Donation

Image of candles burning

In Memory

Your gift in memory of your loved one will provide supports to those that Sunbeam continues to help thrive.


Make a Donation in Memory


If you have any questions, please contact for more information.

The Charitable Registration Number for Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services is:  108050899RR0001.