Quality and Standards
Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services is a service provider and transfer payment agency for the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services (M.C.C.S.S.) delivering a diverse range of programs and services to individuals (and their families) living with developmental disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder.
The Government of Ontario wants services and supports for our persons-served to:
- Be fair, so that everyone gets treated the same way
- Be flexible, so that services and supports better meet people’s needs, and
- Be here for the future.

To achieve these goals, the Government passed the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008. The associated regulation on Quality Assurance Measures provides rules that agencies must follow. Quality Assurance Measures are rules that help agencies to provide high quality services and supports and meet set standards.

Sunbeam complies with the applicable Quality Assurance Measures for the programs and services provided by its three operating divisions:
- Community Living Services
- Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre
- Developmental Services Ontario Central West Region
Licensing requirements (for the operation of children’s residences, under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act) also apply to several program areas at Sunbeam. MCCSS does a Quality review of all programs and services at least annually to ensure ongoing compliance of Quality Assurance Measures and Licensing standards.
Sunbeam is committed to fostering an environment of continuous quality improvement in all aspects of our program and service provision to enrich the lives of the individuals we are privileged to serve.