Curbside BBQ in Support of Sunbeam!

Curbside BBQ in Support of Sunbeam!

Event: Curbside BBQ in Support of Sunbeam! Raymond Dietrich Memorial is the BBQ event of the year – and this year part of the proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated to Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services’ new specialized dental office! On...
Keeping Yourself Safe Online – Adult Course

Keeping Yourself Safe Online – Adult Course

Keeping Yourself Safe Online – Adult Service (Fall 2021) This course is designed for anyone 18 years of age or older with an intellectual disability and/or autism. It will be run from October 7 – 28, 2021. Times to be announced. Learn important issues such...
Making an IMPACT

Making an IMPACT

Making an IMPACT Earlier this year, the amazing folks at IMPACT EVERYONE made an extremely thoughtful, essential and greatly appreciated donation of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and other essential pandemic related supplies to Sunbeam Community &...
Welcome home, Sunbeam Kids Hub!

Welcome home, Sunbeam Kids Hub!

Welcome home, Sunbeam Kids Hub! On May 31, 2021 we announced Kids Country Club (Parents of Technologically Dependent Children of Ontario) would be transferring the operation of its Cambridge home for children with developmental, medical, and behavioural disabilities...
Sunbeam Pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic #2

Sunbeam Pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic #2

Sunbeam Pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic #2 Working closely with Waterloo Region Public Health, Sunbeam was able to successfully advocate for “early” 2nd vaccination dose clinics for our persons served and the essential caregivers (families and staff) who support...