Not An April Fool's Joke

Salome did not come to her volunteer role at Sunbeam in a way that one would expect. While out for a walk one day, Salome saw one of Sunbeam’s clients, Joy, all alone on the trail and thought it strange. She ran to see if help was needed, and then saw an...

How Times Have Changed

“Seminary Will Move,” the Record headline read on February 8, 1969 after it was announced that Resurrection College would move from what was then South Kitchener to the campus of the University of Waterloo. The seminary consisted of two buildings (see photo), the...

Founding Sunbeam Centre: Pieter and Johanna Vos’ Legacy

Pieter Vos was an agriculturist, missionary, and lay preacher who immigrated to Canada from Holland in 1950, after serving for four years in Surinam, a dutch colony in South America at the time.  While both he and Johanna Stoffels, a nurse, were living in Surinam and...

Our Community is the World: Operation Christmas Child

Sunbeam’s Day Program has been talking a lot about community and brainstorming ideas for how they can give back. This group consists of individuals studying academic subjects who also participate in a variety of other activities (including swimming, sports, crafts,...

Surprise Connections

We’re not always aware of the ways in which we are connected to one another and the impact we have on one another’s lives. You may never know how you have impacted those around you, as a friend, family member, or community member, but when you discover moments of...

Happy New Year

As we move into 2019, it’s a good time to look back over the past year and think about and take pride in all that was accomplished together. In 2018, we expanded services in all areas of Sunbeam – DSRC,  DSO, and Community Living Services. We continue to provide help...